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03 July 2015

We have released today our first (and probably only one before RTM) beta, version 1.0.0-beta1. This release is targeting Roslyn RC2 and Visual Studio 2015 RC.


  • 67 Analyzers in C#, 63 Code fixes
  • 23 Analyzers in VB, 18 Code fixes
  • 1529 tests
  • 91% code coverage

Known issues:

  • #293 Incorrect diagnostic on NoPrivateReadonlyFieldAnalyzer (CC0074)

The above analyzer is disabled by default, you need to enable it to be able to use it.

As usual, you should go to Nuget (C#, VB) to get the packages or download the extension on the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery (C#, VB).

For a list of what worked on see the corresponding milestone.

Post by Giovanni Bassi

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